Sunday, November 25, 2007

Time is flying

Christmas is coming...

And its coming really fast!

Wow- where did this weekend go. We had a great time, but I could use another day to catch up here at home. I want to decorate the house and get things ready for Christmas.

I have been listening to the radio and the Christmas music is on and I an now in the mood!

I always decorate the family room tree with things from family trips and stuff the boys have made at school, church and general heirlooms. The living room tree is smaller and sits just by the window. Its decorated in whatever mood I'm in at the time! The boys always had a tree in their rooms, but I am not doing that this year.

Oh, wow, lets get going.

But, it looks like maybe next weekend, as we are busy everynight except for Tues. Maybe we can get it out and ready this weekend.

I got this light at IKEA, yippee skippee! Hubs will put it in the bathroom this weekend. I cant wait. It will look sooooooooooooooo great in there.

Ok, better get going.... I need to get things ready for school tomorrow.

tootle loo,

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