Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday tidbits

I found this on pinterest and thought I would share it with you! I have a friend that taught both my boys, that could probably recite all of these by memory.... I need a cheat sheet

Finally finished Payton's quilt... It's all smocked, stitched and ready to go be quilted in OKC.. I said I would never make another one, but alas I have ordered a kit of nine dresses to make for our soon to be grand baby Abby!

It's a bit nippy here.. So the fire is burning and I'm snuggled in after cleaning the house... I found my favorite cleaning products at Whole Foods- Mrs. Meyers geranium scent cleaner!!!!!

Now it's time to read my new magazine that came in the mail and have some tea while waiting for hubs to. Come home from work! Oh... My cardiologist says all us good with my ticker!!!!!! I need to get back to my workout schedule.... Haha I don't have one. So I have done yoga the past 2 days and after my treadmill test I can add that and the elliptical .... Oh drats I guess it's time to sweat again - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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