Friday, December 9, 2011

my vacation at St. John

Ha ha you think I was on an island basking in the sun..... nope in the hospital with IV's and blood sticks every 3 hours.... Wednesday I was headachey- is that a word?  any way I was achey all over, had the runs and my heart was RACING. I felt like a brick was sitting on my chest. so I went to the Urgent Care and they sent me to ST. John Owasso ER. after being poked,  hooked up and tested I was admitted. I ran a high fever through the night and was low in potassium and a high white count... 3 IV ,4 blood checks and a host of test I was released after 24 hrs and the diagnosis is viral infection.... Im to take it easy... Well.. I can do that for sure... Must say that St. John Owasso is fantastic. My nurse had only 2 other people to care for... I was catered to all the time... love that place... Kinda like a spa, but with needles.......   maybe next time the beach!

Tootle loo

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