Friday, May 27, 2011

whats up Buttercup????

 Yes, those are my feet sitting so pretty on the edge of my suite while I was cruising on the sea!  yes, that's from last Oct... I am pretending its today...

 Yes, that's my room I shared with my BFF Tracy... I pretending I am sleeping there tonight, with the door open and the ocean sound coming all night long....

I am going to work on some silhouette things this afternoon after I finish my chores....

 Oh, I want the garage to look like this... right???/???  Don't see it happening this week.....

So, I guess I will clean the craft room, go by the library, find some patterns of the states and begin on a quilt of states... mom gave me left over quilt fabric, so now its up to moi to get'r done!

Hope you have a great weekend and Thank to all of the men and women in the armed forces for serving our country... more about that tomorrow.... bet you are going to sit all night by the computer to read my post .... haahahaha!

Tootle loo

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