Monday, June 30, 2008

Too tired to blog..

So am way too tired to think, here we go....
thanks to www.choosinfmyown

1. What is your first name? Penny

2. What is your favorite food? mexican

3. What high school did you attend?OKC Grant

4. What is your favorite color? duh... pink

5. Who is your celebrity crush? Sean Connery

6. What is your favorite drink?Diet DP, or Peach Billini

7. Where would you go on your dream vacation?On a beach in Maine or Oregon, sitting in an adriondack chair with a blanket, lemonade and book.

8. What is your favorite dessert?cheesecake

9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Oh my I dont really know. So for now a teacher

10. What do you love most in life? my family

11. Choose one word to describe you? funny/dramatic/happy, oops thats 3

what about you

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Home Sweet Home

Its so nice to be at home again. We got home from Youth Force OKC and have slept and slept.
We were blessed to work with 9 of the most incredible kids. We fixed the following things a a dear woman's house:
new porch roof, new kitchen floor, new dining room ceiling, paint the outside trim, paint 5 rooms in the house, add 1 solid core door, and fix 2 windows. wheeee it was fast moving!

Out kids from Boston Avenue were great, but we were slip with other groups for the week, so I didnt get to work much with them.

Off tonight for a YA-YA night at Melting Pot! yippee.

tootle loo

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Friday, June 20, 2008


This post is NOT for the faint of heart.

We all know I have IBS-, issues with pooping. My sweet niece is following my path and the only one in the family that understands. So anywho, the past week I have had mild craps, not really anything, but with everything else going on,(read prior post) I have ignored it. So this afternoon after painting in my classroom for a couple of hours, the cramps were so bad I could hardly walk.

Fast forward to Sunday, we are taking 25 youth from Boston Avenue Methodist to Youth Force in OKC for 1 week. We will be the God Squad and oversee a bunch of kiddo do repair work in the OKC area. Yep, hubs and I are 'in charge', ok so back up to 3:00 today. I called the Dr to see how many laxatives I can take in 1 day. I have to get this 'crap' out before Sunday morning ! Thats a play on words huh, Ok back to the post... They want my to come on in. OK, just add one more trip to a medical facility in the past 2 weeks. So, I get there and glory be, my tummy is distended and 'tender' to the touch, yep, i knew that, off I go over the St. John Owasso, right next door for a lab test. They think I have diverticulitis- hmmm, the test come back with normal white blood cells, so yep you are full of crap!!!! Great, off the Walgreen to get a bottle of the "STUFF", drink the whole thing and follow it with 3 glasses of water, while you are at it get Colace for the trip and a package of Prunes!!!!!!!!! Good gosh!

So fast forward to home, I walk in the door and tell hubs I home, where have you been, he was asleep the whole time I was gone. So I retell him the story and he just shakes his head and put in a couple of movies for a long night at home. Needless to say its been a long night and its only 10:00 pm.

So moral to the story, if you have IBS, dont ignore cramps! Eat prunes ALL THE TIME and don't forget the Colace!

tootle loo,

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008


No, I haven't forgotten about my give away... really I promise.

This has been the last 6 day
1. migraine- trip to ER, shots and sleeping
2. faucet in the kitchen blows a gasket, literally help hubs fix that until 11:45 pm last night.
3. trip to the dentist to have the permanent crown put on.
4. trip to the other dentist to have mouth piece adjusted, can you come back next week??? NO
5. daily crap
6. I knew I need to paint my classroom white before the 1st of July, because that is the date of the new carpet installation. Oops, did we not call you the other day??? No, well the installation will begin on Monday, can you please come unload your room and paint, what??? yep, so PAINT, PAINT, PAINT.... I'm still not done. I broke 2 rollers today. STRESSES PAINTING, but I was listening to 102.3, thank goodness, I needed praise music!
7. phone rings this afternoon...can you come in tomorrow morning and have the 2 moles cut off your chest ( no, not my boobs), and we can cut that one out of you scalp too!!! Sure why not.
8.Get stuff ready for Youth Force OKC all next week.
9. Whining bridezilla: I have envisioned getting married at BA, since I was a little girl and the piano at the front was not in my vision.
me: It cost $500-$1000. to move it
bridezilla: Ok
me: We are not going to move it. I didn't get moved during annual conference and its not going to be moved now.
bridezilla:But that's not what I envisioned as a little girl.
me: visions change!!!!!

Hello chickadee, your little married life probably isn't going to be what you envisioned either, so get over it!!!!

But I am healthy and wise, not sure about the wealth, but whatever, hahaha

Keep Mackenzie Sunday in your prayers. She is a freshman at Cville. They found a malignant growth on both ovaries, spine and bones. She has had 2-3 surgeries already and is starting on meds. She and her family feel alone in the Houston area. She is at MD Anderson in a great deal of pain. You cn follow her daily at search- mackenziepalmer

Also, tomorrow is the funeral for another young girl. Haley Palmer- 13yrs old, she died Cystic Fibrosis this past weekend. So very young, these precious children.

Ooooohhhhh, I almost forgot , silly me! You know I make jewelry for fun, to sell, etc duh, thats what I giving away! Anywho, I met a girl at Mayfest that liked a necklace I was wearing and she wanted for me to make some using her designs. Ok, so I did, mailed her 7 necklaces to see what she thought. SHE LOVED THEM AND WANTS THEM FOR HER BUSINESS!!!! Yippee Skippee.
She will take them to her art show!!!!!!!!!!!! No overhead for me.

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Friday, June 13, 2008


Its has been about 2 years since I had a migraine. I always think its a sinus infection, NO its a migraine. Yesterday I work up with a headache/nose ache, you know the one that goes all the way to the back of your neck! Ya, that one. Well, by 11:00 I was crying to myself on the couch. I called hubs and said I was going to the Minor ER. So I got on clothes, got in the car and somehow got to the Minor ER in Owasso. Nobody else was there thank goodness. They got me right back and gave me 2 shots. I stayed there for 30 minutes to see if that was going to do it. If not it was time to call in the big guns... shots and have someone come retrieve my fanny!
So, 30 minnutes later the migraine was getting better and off I went. I came home and slept till 5:00, got up and slept on the couch till 8 and went to bed. Im better today. THEY are YUKKO,
Heavens to Betsy those thingy hurt.
Off to make manicotti and blackberry pie.. Oh yea, the new matress is to be delivered today!!!!
tootle loo

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just take a gander at this stuff!

Well, I had a wonderful birthday. Nice and peaceful.
I went to the Dr in the am to change my fibromyalgia meds, then to Maggie Moo's for my lunch... key lime ice cream with white chocolate chips, then to Uptown to get my hair colored and cut, lookin cuuuuute, then home for a nap. Hubs got home at 4:45 and we left at 5:15 for the "date" we went here:
Discovery Land

Its about 40 minutes away in Sand Springs. we had dinner and then they sang an
Oklahoma Review group of songs. At 8:00 we saw "Oklahoma". The weather was awesome. Nice and cool and wonderful. Hubs went to buy a blanket/throw form the girt shop at the beginning, cause we wore short and were cold! Cold in Okla in June... go figure that one.

These are flowers from son #1. He is in Frisco, and I miss him all the time. Love my boys you know. Aren't they beautiful??? Love me some flowers too! Thanks Ryan

These are from my Mom and Rick. Love em too! they are really slippers but they have a sole on them. The inside is that memory foam and I will live in them!!! She sent $$$ fo I got them today, do you like em Momma???? look for me wearing these in Hobby Lobby, Target and Reasor. hahaha

This clipboard was from a BFF-Yaya, CAS. We share the June birthday month. Love that pink clipboard. Her mom sent me a gift card to Victoria's Secret. FOREVER, she buys CAS panties and bra's from Victoria Secret and drops them off. I remarked once my Momma never does that! So after 5-6 years of everytime I see her, I whine I dont have pretty panties and bras that match anymore, they are all yukko. She sent me a gift card to buy panties! At 3 she figures. She is the sweetest gal!
We go out to dinner tomorrow night with son #2 and MIL. So hmmmm more stuff for moi!!!
I love it when its my bday. I will draw for the gift give away tonight. I made 7 cuuuute necklaces for a client and got those off today. I will link you up with her site later. actually when I figure out how to do that linky thingy......
tootle loo

Monday, June 9, 2008

YA YA Birthday's

We went out last night for June birthday. Weren't we the cuuuuuutest queen's in the whole wide world? A couple of bellini's later, a trip to Wild Oats and Barnes and Noble... we had a great night. Full of laughs and fun.
Off the get my 'eyebrows done"... is a girl thingy huh??
enjoy the rainy day here in OK.
tootle loo

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Lets give away a present!!!!


I think that its time for a give away. Its only 3 days until my big day... so thats the day I will pick ( June 10). I will make a pretty bauble necklace for the chosen person. You have to leave a comment if you want a present!!!!!
Mom says its too hard to leave a comment, so I will go back and change the moderations for a while, for you Mom!
Its been a whole year since I started blogging about my life in (hillbilly he**) aka Branson. Whee time goes way fast. I have met the neatest girls online and only wish we could all meet up and eat and drink the weekend away. Think about it:
*********sweet tea
*********cupcakes with butter cream icing
*********beautiful hydrangia's
*********cool summer porch with a ceiling fan
*********lots of laughter and chatter
oh what fun we would have.
Hubs and I are teaching the Sr. High Sunday School class for the net 4 weeks.
The topic is " Because we can...should we". Whew, that opens a lot of doors. We are in the art room do its hands on. I am using a Sally Jean technique. They will draw a clip of paper and begin their art project with that technique. ex: paint, paper, ink, pattern, smudge, charcoal etc. At the end of the month they will have a project to remind them that just because we can...should we.
There are always 2 sides to each story, So sometime we should because we can! Hmmm. I will keep you posted.
Ok dont forget to leave a comment for a giveaway!!!
tootle loo

Friday, June 6, 2008

Its my day countdown... 4 days away

I love love love birthday's. I love to shop for the person and find the perfect gift, and plan a party for my family and celebrate their day. Hmmm... my day is coming up on Tuesday.

Hubs asked me what I wanted. I ALWAYS make him a list. He get everything on the list. So, this year I told him to surprise me!!!! first he panicked, and then he said OK. He told me last night to be ready on Tuesday at 5:00. I dont know where we are going........

Happy Birthday to me countdown!!!!!! 4 days to my day!

tootle loo!

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

You have got to be kidding me!

Did anyone happen to see this TV show on CBS this evening??!!! Oh my gosh. Hubs was scanning through the channels tonight and stopped on channel 6. Generally ok at 9:00 pm. Well, not tonight . We didnt know what the show was, but when they were taking 'quaalude'- (dont know how to spell the thing), and trading spouses to have group sex...on prime time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats up with this.
No wonder the kids in second grade know what sex is about. Good gosh, children are still up and watching TV in the summer at this time. I am not believing this is on and during prime time!

Tootle loo

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Texas Tango

Fast trip to Texas... but we had so much fun. Lance, Laura and I tool Moey back to Ryan :(
We ate out last night with Ryan and then watched 2 movies. Today we went to IKEA and Sprouts! Love the store---Sprouts. Its an organic grocery store in Frisco. I am wanting one of those nearby.

The trip to the dentist was uneventful. 2 hours in the dental chair! They had the gas ready for me!!! I turned on my Ipod and the time flew by. I was a very good girl! I didnt cry or fuss!

Tomorrow is clean house and do laundry. I got some new cleaner. Geranium! mmmmm its
smells so good. I cant wait to clean the house tomorrow from top to bottom .
I cleaned Ryan's house today and left it all sweet smelling ans shinning for him. Moey was looking at me like why are you leaving me?? She will be waiting for Ryan when he gets home..
Off to bed and read a new book.
tootle loo,

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

crappin out

This is my worst, most hated thing in the world.... the dentist.
I know I am all about crowns, but not in my mouth with shots and drills and .........
Plus, hubs and I are speaking tonight at church. I was not really a bit concerned until the Sr. Minister announced this morning , to please be in attendance as we are all waiting in great anticipation... to hear the wonderful missioners speak about their mission experience. I am usually not rattled a bit when speaking in front of other people, but tack on the dentist in the morning and I am crappin out deluxe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So all of you in blogville, start praying about 5:30 and dont stop until 11:00 tomorrow!!!!
I always take my ipod a turn it up way loud, so I dont hear a thing!!!!!!! What else is there to do????????????
tootle loo

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