Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy New Year

Sunday Dec 30th...

It was the week after Christmas and a throught the house, not a creature was stirring, the cable and iternet were still out...
The stockings were laying on the floor with care in hope the maid wold soon be here.... STOP we dont have one.
The children and hubs were not snugged in, they were cutting wood, cutting wood, cutting wood. So life in Collinsville continues and we STILL are waiting for cable and internet. Our house is looking better,the backyard has a way to go, and the boys are off to Grandmas, then the rental property. Ryan is coming up tomorrow to see a friend off to Singapore, the he will stay a while and cut with the boys. I guess that means we wil go buy the 3rd chain saw!!!!!! Whatever!!!!

So without internet or famliar blogs, I have painted the bathroom. Its light blue with grey fleur-de-lies and a glaze. Then I moved to Ryans room. Its now grey, with the same border... I still need to repiant baseboads and his ceiling fan need replaced!

School starts back next Thursday! Where did time go. We are usually on a 'mission trip' with the youth at Boston Avenue to Mexico, but this year we stayed home !!!!! yippee!!!!!!

Last night we celebrated our 28th anniversary. At least we lasted though the ice storm/power outage. what that old saying? What doesnt kill you or your spouse makes you stronger... At least we are still together! We saw the cuttttttest movie last night. I cried through the WHOLE thing... PS I Love You! Its definately a chic flic! But hubs mae it through without a tear! men!!!

Dinner is about ready, npe I ave not helped! oops! I think its meatload, okra, brownies, potatoes..... yummmmmmy.

Ill be back later, or when we get fired up again.

Have a great New Year..

Tootle loo,

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What a Merry Christmas

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We had a wonderful time in Dallas. The boys, hub and I spent time together, ate and opened presents. We actually opened presents on Christmas Eve. We have never done that, but the boys wanted to do that so... we did. We atated off to Church an when we got there the sanctuary was filled more than an hour before the service started. So, we went to eat instead. Yummmmm italian food, then home to unwrap presents. I must have been really good, photo elements, clothes and jewerly! Hubs liked his tickets to Celine Dion and the boys were glad to get their stuff. Lance loved his camera and Ryan really liked his Ipod among all the other stuff!!!

WE wnet out to dinner on Christmas. I knew that it would be at least $200. I had a mimosa, Ry had a bloody mary and L had a beer! Total tab $308! I about crapped in my pnats, but it was good. I mean really good!!!! Ah well, its only once a year.

I hope you all had a great time too. My internet is still down, so I am at Pam's house. Better get back home. Pics will come wyhen I get back on. I left the laptop with Ry, so I will either wait until he come back next week or get a new one???????

Have a great New Year!

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas

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I am still posting from Pam's house. I have power. but our internet is part of the cable. So, hopefully when we get home form Frisco, we will have internet.

Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your time with family and friends. We will be at Ryans. He works the day after Christmas so its easier for us to go there. We are going to Church, The Ice at Gaylord Texan and out to dinner for Chirstmas Day. Hmmm not cooking for me, but lots of time with my boys. Thats all I want!

See ya when we get home.

Tootle loo

Friday, December 21, 2007

power. power, we have power!!!

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Yep on the 11 day of Christmas my city gave to me electricity!!!

I have cleaned all day and the house is looking good! Not so much for me, but I can clean up pretty fast. I have all of the presents wrapped and under the tree, except for one package. Its in transit?????

So, I wont go into detail about how we got the power.... Lets just say City Hall and I had a "come to Jesus mtg". Yep I was hateful. Hubs was the mayor here when the kids were little for about 6 years. It seemed more like 60 years. Anyway, that card didnt play well, soo I got a bit huffy. However we now have electricity!!!!!!!

Ok, we dont have internet because I use the cable service as my internet thingy, but I can come across the street to Little town,big life and use hers!

We are off for Bid D for Christmas! I have things ready and Ry is making a reservation for Christmas Dinner!

Better get, hubs will be home soon.

tootle loo,

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

On the 10th day before Christmas...

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Lets see,
No I dont have power... I am blogging at school (illegal operation), guess my laptop could be confiscated!!!!! Whatever. By this time in the great no power era, I just dont care about much other than electricity and cleaning the saw dust and candle wax out of the carpet.

We are still in and out of the house, mainly out. Dinner out, laundry out, ??????

SO, have a Merry Christmas and we will talk to you when I get some power and internet service.

Monday, December 17, 2007

So here we go...

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Day 9 of the everpresent remaind of the ice storm. We still do not have power at our house. Yep. thats right. I came home from school today thinking that we would, but nope, it didnt happen. We have the box on the house and along with the neighbor next door and across the street are at the mercy of the city to hook us up. We are on the LIST. I asked today what # we are... not the question to ask I guess.

So, the temp is up over freezing at night, the pipes wont freeze and we have moved our stuff to hub's mothers house. It was beginning to get really really old at our house. The laundry is in the washer and we will have clean clothes so, all I want for Christmas is ELECTRICITY.

No, the phone just rang and Lance is on the way to urgent care... he was plaing basketball at TU with buds and twisted his ankle... maybe broken. Ok, now lets process al of this. We have a house, we have $$, we have blessings... in other words as the saying goes in our house . No one is pregnant, dying or in jail.... life is good. hahaha Lets just keep on laughing.

Now on a brighter note. I went to finish Christmas stuff after school today. Oh boy, I got my nephews kids ( well not really his , but Sarah's) so cool toys that make all sort of noise!!!!!!!! How fun for them. I even got exra batteries. One is this race car thing that looks like you are setting in the drivers seat. The other is an 18 wheeler truck with a loader and cars and extra batteries. fun fun fun.

Tomorrow is the party at school for teachers, Wednesday is parties at school for kids and Wed nght is the party at Boston Ave for Mohawk Manor... I do hope by Thursday we have power!

Thats all for now

Oh, I did get the cutest things in the mail today.
1 a little shirt from my sister, that says. I dont need therapy I have my sister
2 a banner from The Rose Room of the cutest little Christmas outfits all hung in a row. pics later ! And candy... its gone, and the sweetest smelling rose soap ever.

Thanks bunches

Tootle loo

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ice mess

I am at TU at hubs office to pay bills online, so here is the latest blog info.
We are still out of electricity. The ice storm pulled the service box off our house and we are putting it up tonight. But we dont know when the service will be back on. We have a wood burnung fireplace and gas cooking stoce, s, but I threw out all of our food 2 days ago. We are using candles at night and flashlights. Anwho, I will be offline for a while. The internet is through our cable TV CO and it may be a while

Little town big Life is across the street for me andis in the same spot!!!
One of us will beck back soon. Pics of my tow are on:

tootle loo

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Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ho Ho Ho

Ho, Ho , Ho, its beginning to look a little bit like Christmas around here. We-hubs went up in the attic, I'm not allowed there after I fell through... Anyway we got 3 boxes including the tree down. I didnt get all the decorations, rugs, and lots of knick nacks out. Nope not this year ! So this is the entry way. My little reading room. No, I didnt clean up before I clicked away, sorry!
I slapped some already lite garland on the clock and took the fern out of the basket!
The bedroom! Nope, I didnt make the bed, cause the sheets are in the dryer! Anywho, i put some garland on the headboard with red lights! The headboard is one that hubs made many years ago, it ceiling tiles that look like tin, painted white.

This is the front window! Tiny tiny tree, oh well. I will work. I had to set it up on something, because granddog Moey is coming next weekend for L's graduation from TU.
I have the cutest little Noah's Ark with animals and people made from wood. We have had it for ever. the boys played with it so much. Well, Its now chewed by Moey and Aspen when the came to visit! Aspen lives with her mommy now. Yes, Aspen is a dog too!

This is the tree in the family room. Oops, I forgot to shut the door to the laundry room. The other door goes to hubs office. I love to decorate the tree and remember all the places we got ornaments and the cute ones the boys made at school. I think that is why I always make one ornament each week of December at school. I hope their Mom keeps them for many years. I want to distress those two chair white. What do you thing?? Hubs thinks I am nuts, but whatever that usually doesnt bother me.
My legs and knees are sooooooooooooooooo sore from my fall. They are swollen and bruised! I am such a klutz! I am thinking that this is all about the meds I take. Finally we found a regimen that works for the fibromyalgia! Now its causing me to feel weird and fall alot. Hmmmmm.
Hubs got the front part of the fence back up. yippee Moey will like that. I would like to get L his puppy for graduation. Blue Tick Coon Hound, I think we could keep it here, but he probably wants to keep it at his house and he has a huge dog there that belongs to a room mate. Hmmmm... We got him a 'brick' at TU. What a grad gift huh? But its at the BB Arena and is going to by near Ryan's. So they well have left their mark at TU. Im sure they already did that somewhere around the fraternity house. I just dont want to know that information.
Guess that all, I need to go solder a few gifts for people at school.
Tootle loo,

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Friday, December 7, 2007

list, list list

List, list, list, oh my.

Rainy, sleety nasty weather and the kidnapping did not happen tonight! Maybe the week we are off for Christmas break.
It started raining this am and now its just yukky. I needed gas in the Jeep, the fire was warm in the fireplace, I fell once again at school, its just was not happening!

Yep, I walked out of my room at school and landed on my knees and hands! So, since this is not the first time 'my legs' don't do what I tell them, I did call the Dr. I will go see Dr. M on Tuesday! Im sure its just nothing, but I have ignored it for a few months and thought it would go away. But, the good side... I didnt wet my pants!!!!!

Anyway, my knees are sore and bruised!

Saturday list:
  • get Christmas stuff from the attic
  • go get some groceries- Target, Lowes
  • pick up the junk in the house
  • laundry
  • work on SS party for Mohawk Manor- its Thursday
  • finish some ornament orders
  • find a place for furniture we brought home from Dallas
  • put something in the crock pot
  • clean the kitchen and bathrooms
  • make Lance some Christmas cookies for 'the boys'
  • make some and freexe for Ryan
  • make a TUTU for Ryans bosses little girl- Maddy


  • Church
  • TU BB game
  • SS party at Escargot- Tulsa
  • decorated the house
  • work on a presentation for SS and Mission committee- about Ukraine
  • make a gift list
  • clean Lance's closet
  • get stuff ready for next weekend----- Lance Graduates for TU. yippee!!!
  • call Zios'- we are taking everyone for lunch after Grad.
  • cull through magazines
  • put away fall stuff
  • research why I am falling/ feeling wierd. I know Dr. M tells me to stay off the internet...

I think that is it!

No wonder Im always tired. I really need to find some good vitamins. But I never know which ones are good and which run through you like pee! I have spent more money on vitamins and I never feel any different. Any suggestions????

I am going to bed early tonight!!!!!!!!! Right Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tootle loo ya'all

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Oh, you better not cry,
You better not pout,
You better wear cute jammies,
Cause we are going out...

Kidnappings coming to
C'ville this weekend...

She sees you when your vegging,
She sees you when your asleep
She will see you in the window,
So, you better come without a peep...

Oh, you better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better grab some money
Dont be bringing your honey...

Kidnappings coming to
C'ville this weekend!

Oh, you better watch out
You better not whine,
We will go to Starbucks
But we will not dine...

Kidnappings coming to
C'ville this weekend!

No this is not pennythequeen posting.... guess who???
Mystery poster. hahahahah........
A little elf on the loose.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Puts things in perspective

Ok- the program went well. I forgot the camera, but we got all 9 classes on 2 busses, yep they sent 2. We had the program, they were cute and I am in my jammies at 4:23. There is a fire in the fireplace, supper in the crockpot and its couch time tonight.

BUT, last night I was checking a blog of a friend and I ran across this blog. Get the kleenex. This mom is haveing her second brain surgery next week. She has 3 little boys and her brain tumor is back from just one year ago. She needs lots of prayers.... Go and read this blog, then get on your knees and pray to God for healing and for her. I cant even imagine what she is going through!

go now to

tootle loo,

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Okey dokey- The kids Christmas program is in the morning at 9:30 am. The music teacher is pregnant and is having contractions! Yep, you got it. I am leading the Christmas program in the morning. All 9 classes of 2nd grade. HAHAHA me and music!! I am doing this with another teacher that at least can read music and had been in a choir.

I was in the Church Choir when I was little, oops, I got in trouble and I think 'kicked' out cause I talked too much! So anywho, I got 90 snowflakes glittered and sticks stuck to the back-- my girls did it. Kazoos were passed out, sunglasses passed out, songs rehearsed and the 'death threat' if they acted up in front of the parents! GEE....... Oh we ran out of sunglasses and needed 20 more. No problemo, I wil run to Target after school, all out... Hobby Lobby, all out... Dollar Tree, all out... WalMart, got the last 4 pkgs!!!! yippee!

So I took up the waist of my black pants... ironed my shirt and I am off to bed to have dreams of Santa and all the songs going through my head and the motions too! Wahhhhhhhhhh!

Update tomorrow, pics too! PRAY... The place where we are having the program was crowded with 6 classes, we added 3 more and have not yet been there to practice.

Oldest sons new Mercedes SLX, no he won't let me drive it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, I gave birth to him. He just didnt care!
Nice for 26 yrs old! He's cute too! No that is not me. Grandma went to Big D with us at Thanksgiving!

tootle loo,

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Bah... I cant get stuff finished

Well, I guess we all knew this anyway. This is ALL the Christmas stuff I have out. Yep, it is still in the attic. Im feeling a bit like scrooge. No, I dont have any of these kinds of sweaters anymore. I have gone to basic red, black or grey with some jewerly.... HMMMMMMM.

You Are a Christmas Sweater!
Over the top, colorful, and totally flashy.You're not afraid to be a little tacky.


Crappy Christmas Gift Are You?

Today I found a place to go in Texas for Christmas. Gaylord Texan... looks good, sounds good, cost about $700. for the 4 of us!!! Thats 2 rooms, 4 Christmas Brunch, 4 tickets to the ICE. Holy crap! Whats this all about. So, back to square 1. Ry works the day after Christmas- yep the stock market is open, and people will trade all that money they got for stocks. right! So, I think maybe we will stay at Embassy Suites Frisco, maybe eat brunch there??? or a place called Mignon- Plano ???? Any suggestions, oops I guess I could cook , nay!
Let me know a yummy place.

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Clean closets

What was I thinking, after Church we came home to eat some Chili, then I decided to work on Ryan's room. I took out all of the old furniture, moved the dresser- my great grandmother's to our bedroom. Put up a new- hubs grandmothers- bed, dresser and put a mirror back together. Then, I decided that the furniture and the walls are blending together. No,I didnt go get paint, but I will tomorrow. I think grey?? Anyway, I put his room back together and then went to work on our room. Clean the closet and put stuff in the new/old dresser! I color coordinated the closet and hung all the shirts, dresses, pants, etc in order! My OCD's coming out!!!!!!
Then organized the closet and finally vac'd the floor!!!!
After that I had to finish the child list for our Sunday School Class party for 62 children. These children live in Mohawk Manor in Tulsa. They work hard all year to come to the party. We provide pizza, santa, pictures, music, cookies and a gift! This may be the only gift they get at all for Christmas. So needless to say I am obsessing over the decorations and prep for this!
Its now almost 10:00 and I am still doing the laundry!!!

Oh well, I need to get things ready for school. I was going to go up today and decorate for Christmas, but I couldn't get to it...

Tomorrow is another day!

tootle loo,

PS- Its gotten reallllllly cold here today. The weather was warm on the way to Church, oops, it got cold at Church and it keeps getting colder! Merry Christmas weather!

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Christmas Gathering

I had so much fun tonight at 'A Christmas Gathering'. It was so fun. We started the night with shopping in the little area full of goodies. I got my mom and mother in law some stuff. Ryan something and a book. Then, we went around to different tables and tasted lots of yummy foods! Finally, we all went in to the Sanctuary/Auditorium, and they began the show with some beautiful music. A photographer talked about taking photos and then how to display them, for Christmas. After that we had a tutorial about jewelry, cooking and finally gifts. I was a bit lit Oprah's show where she gives away stuff. We got a big metal tub, a Two's Company insulated tote, a pickle for the tree and a bling bling ring. WOW

This is my friend Sheila. She works with me at school teaching second grade too!
And there is my partner in crime! Little town big life! Yep there we are tearing up the town.
What fun it was. So relaxing and just an enjoyable time with a group of Christian women of various faith, but there to enjoy the season and thank God, for all the blessings we had received by His grace alone.
The Church is in Broken Arrow and is quite big and I would guess somewhat 'progressive', bands, coffee shop, lots of fun stuff for the kids. What a wonderful thing for them!
Hub and I go to a very 'liturgical' Methodist Church in downtown Tulsa- Boston Avenue. I really like the conservative teaching and liturgy, but its wonderful to share the love of Christ with women everywhere.
So, that is what I did tonight. I have a wedding rehearsal tomorrow night, a wedding Saturday night and somewhere in there we want to decorate the house for Christmas!
Whew, where does the time go...
tootle loo,

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Im excited!

Tomorrow night I am going to A Christmas Gathering! I have wanted to go since last year. Its held at a Church in BA. Its a cross between major craft show and Oprah's giveaway. I'm so excited! Oh, I already said that! They will have things to buy and things to eat and things to see and things to bring home and songs and a speaker about the Christmas season! I am so excited! Yep, I am.

I will tell you alllllllllll about it tomorrow night! Yep, I am so excited!

Right now I am craving cinnamon toast. Go to go have me some , then sit in bed and read my Cottage Living and go to sleep, cause tomorrow night will be sooooooooo fun for me!

tootle loo.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What do you think

Tell me, what do you think about this statement:

Children in second grade should not get a D or an F. The teacher should modify their work so that they can achieve, even though they do not have a disability that inhibits their academic success. In other words, if a child is making a D or F, the teacher should cut their work load to make it easier to get a passing grade.

A second grade teacher should teach both 1st and 2nd grade curriculum in the 2nd grade so that all children achieve.

What do you think about this?

tootle loo,

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday madness

I have nothing notable today. Woke up, got dressed, taught 2nd grade, took the uhaul back, went to supper, went to Kohl's, went to Lowe's. Not much for a Monday!

So, I borrowed fill- ins from Tuesday Update:

1. I enjoy: my ya-ya's, my family, reading, crafting, decorating

2. Blogging satisfies my need to: let my family know whats going on in my world.

3. When I look at a full moon: I think of all the people that have walked under the same moon, like Christ, Kennedy,Dad, Alexandria the Great, Washington, etc.

4. If I want a snack: Peanut butter and a green apple.

5. The most recent movie I saw: Evelyn

6. If only: I could say poof and talk to my Dad. (on a lighter note, poof and the Christmas stuff would be up and the house clean)

7. And as for the weekend: next weekend, I want to put up the Christmas stuff and get the house all decorated! Oops, I have a wedding at 6:00! Oh well, I will get it done!

tootle loo,

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Time is flying

Christmas is coming...

And its coming really fast!

Wow- where did this weekend go. We had a great time, but I could use another day to catch up here at home. I want to decorate the house and get things ready for Christmas.

I have been listening to the radio and the Christmas music is on and I an now in the mood!

I always decorate the family room tree with things from family trips and stuff the boys have made at school, church and general heirlooms. The living room tree is smaller and sits just by the window. Its decorated in whatever mood I'm in at the time! The boys always had a tree in their rooms, but I am not doing that this year.

Oh, wow, lets get going.

But, it looks like maybe next weekend, as we are busy everynight except for Tues. Maybe we can get it out and ready this weekend.

I got this light at IKEA, yippee skippee! Hubs will put it in the bathroom this weekend. I cant wait. It will look sooooooooooooooo great in there.

Ok, better get going.... I need to get things ready for school tomorrow.

tootle loo,

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Honey, we're home!

No pic tonight...
We got home from Ryan's about 7ish. It took us longer coming home because we had a uhaul trailer behind the Jeep. We brought home some furniture Ryan didnt need in TX. Now its in his bedroom and I dont even want to walk by there... its a mess.

We had a great time in Frisco. We ate, shopped, and had such a great time. I got the little chandelier at IKEA, and got some stuff at Sam Moon. It was really crowded at Sam Moon, so I grabbed a couple of pashmina type wraps for Church. Its SOOO cold at Church! I didnt get any jewelry or purses! I know thats a shock. We attacked Eddie Bauer... all of us got some cute stuff.
Lance got a sweater, Ryan got a shirt and sweater, Hubs got a sweater and I got a brown vest with a fur type collar. I also got a Christmas present from Ryan---- a new watch from Eddie Bauer. I put pic up later.

I am off to bed, enjoy your Sunday!

tootle loo,

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

Happy Thanksgiving to you!
I am thankful for:
my hubs and boys,
church and my ability to worship freely,
my cozy home,
lots of food to eat,
those who are protecting us from harm,
the ability to work,
I am thankful for so many blessing that have been given to me. Where oh where, would we all be if not for the Grace of God each and everyday!
Thanks to those military families that are celebrating without a family member.
Its often so hard at holiday time for some people that do not have the family or comforts of a nice warm home. Give them a smile.
Its often stressful when you have so much you think you have to do for the holidays. Stop and think what really needs to be done and what doesnt. Give youself a smile.
There will be some people that get up at 3:00 am to get the bargain. Geeze... not me, People will shove and fight for 'stuff'. Give them a smile.
The Santa, the Bell Ringer and the door greeters... give them a smile.
Your family.. give them a big fat kiss.
If someone you know has lost a family member this year, this will be the start of the hard holiday season. Take them to a movie, take over supper, send a card. Give them a smile.
Its been the past two years that I have really thought about my Uncle Jack. I always thought he was just a moody eccentric uncle. He and my Gramma never had a relationship. Gramma and Grandpa divorced when mom and Unc were little. The court gave my mom to Gramma, and unc to grandpa. Unc never came around to see Gramma, only us and not really very often.
When he was dying in the hospital, I was talking to him about forgivness. I wasnt sure about his religion and relationship with God. We were talking about asking God for forgiveness and he said that he would never ever forgive Gramma. I asked him why they never got along. He told me that 'she gave him away, because she didnt want him'. Oh my gosh, my unc lived his entire life thinking that Gramma didnt want him! That is so not the truth, but that is what he was told by some family members! Can you believe that? I told him that was not true, but he had doubts, so,m y mom was about 6 hours away and came quickly to tell him the truth. He realized that he had lived all his 70 years hearing a lie and never had a relationship with his mother! He died a few days later and I just can't get it out of my head, especially this time of the year. How can people that say they love you, be so mean and lie! My mom was able to explain to Gramma the truth about what he was told by me aunts. Thankfully, that was before her dementia got worse.
So, it guess I want to say, to tell each other how much you love them and tell them the truth.
Be safe, Ill be back to blog land on Sunday.
tootle loo,
tootle loo,

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Look,look, I found a book

Oh, my heavens to Betsy! Can you believe that I found this book at the grocery store, while I was getting stuff to take to Dallas Go figure, 'the grocery store'.
You know how much I love , love, love the 'South'! With all my heart, sweet tea, magnolias, porch swings and coconut pie! Yep, I found the book to read this month!
I am going to get everything done tomorrow and then sit down and start reading!
Have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy the time you have with family and friends!
Drive safe and be safe!
tootle loo,
By the way... what in heavens sake is 'The Bachelor' thinking?

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Oui Oui, I prefer French...

Yep, I'm a french manicure kind of girl.
I just really like the clean fresh look of a french manicure. I generally get 'pink and white' nails. The solar kind that is pink gel and then white gel stuff. But, I only had the pink filled last time and the white has really grown out. It was looking tacky and I cant have tacky nails. So, I got out the nail polish and slapped it on until after Thanksgiving! I can last that long. Or maybe until Wednesday.
My goodness, my Grammer is 92 yrs old today. Who would have thought she would be with us at that age. Will she is with us most days! Some days she is in her own little world, havin a party or a thunderstorm. Wow, when she is cranky and not sure of what is going on she is REALLY having a thunderstorm!
Hubs sent me to get the front tire checked before we head out to Dallas. Oops, I had to get 4 new tires. Can you believe that 4 tires cost $529.00! Yep, I about crapped out! Thats some good shopping money in Dallas. wah, wah,wah! Oh, well at least we have good tires.
Have a good Tuesday.
tootle loo,

post signature

Sunday, November 18, 2007

But I like pink better

Take this test!

You're green, the color of growth and vigor. Good-hearted and giving, you have a knack for finding and bringing out the best in people. Green is the most down-to-earth color in the spectrum — reliable and trustworthy. People know they can count on you to be around in times of need, since your concern for people is genuine and sincere. You take pride in being a good friend. For you, success is measured in terms of personal achievement and growth, not by status or position. Rare as emeralds, greens are wonderful, natural people. It truly is your color!

Football Weekend

Wow, what can I say... we actually did not fall apart the 4th quarter, and won the ballgame! That is pretty good guys. Its really tough to be a 'Cowboy'. We dont have the best football team but you can bet most of the people that follow and cheer for the 'pokes' are tried and true OSU fans and alums. Our BB team is good and then there is wrestling! We ROCK in those activities.
I had a really great 4 years there and would never trade them for anything. Ride em Cowboys!

WAY TO GO TU... I do have a soft spot where Army is concerned! I appreciate all of those that are protecting this country for our freedom. Ryan was in the Class of 04 and its an awesome Academy, BUT we played a super ballgame!

Just love to shop at the outlet over by SMU... I only need a FEW things at IKEA!!! Right.

Yep, it was a very quiet and sane Sunday at the ole castle. We- I was quite lazy all weekend. We decided not to go to OKC. I am soooooooo tired lately, so we stayed here. Hubs worked on mulching the yard and I finished my glass collage necklaces.
The house is clean, the floor are vac'd and shined and the carpets are steamed. The bathrooms are squeaky clean and its time to get it dirty all over again.

I made some stuff- tree skirt and table runner to take to Ryan's this weekend. I also got him a tree and all the trimmings this weekend too! We will be going to Frisco this week for Thanksgiving. I have some places to go while I am there. The Horchow outlet is always good. Its over by SMU, so Im thinking maybe I get some Bubbas Fried Chicken ! mmmmmm it's so yummy. We were there a few years ago. I also need to check out Home Goods, Container Store and of course IKEA! I plan to do that all on Friday morning!!! Up and at'em early. Will not really early. I dont do the 5:00 am shopping. I did it one time with hubs a few years ago, but now I am doing most of it by internet. Love to shop in my jammies.
tootle loo,

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Plum Tuckerd Out

7:00- get up to coffee in bed... everyday perk from Hubs! OOps head cold - I feel like crap!
7:45- get to school
8:15- 'rise & shine' with 300 kids
8:30- move all the desk to the side of the room and get ready for 9 classes to rotate in and out of my classroom. We are celebrating Oklahoma's Centennial!
9:00- start rotation... 'cow chip' toss... {read post a couple days back}
9:20- new group of 23 start all over
9:40- new group of 20 start all over
10:00- new group of 20 start all over
10:20- new group of 20 start all over
10:20-10:30- potty break with kids
10:45- get my own kids back until 12:30
12:30- start rotation again...
12:30-12:50- new group of 20 start over again
1:00-1:20- new group of 20 start over again
1:20-1:40- new group of 20 start over again
1:45-2:15 - take my kids out to see 'farm animals' on the playground. Cows, donkey, goat, chicken, mule, attempt to milk the cow! grossssssssss
2:15-2:30- recess, I get to potty alone!
2:30-3:00 get the room put back together with the help of 20 children!!!!
3:00-3:30 dismiss kids... (get rid of the little angels)
3:30-5:00 Peace and quiet, do a load of laundry, assess grocery needs, take a 10 minute nap,
5:00-9:00 dinner at LoneStar, groceries, put away groceries.

10:00- WHAT A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rest of the weekend--------- not a thing!

Head cold is now in the ear and throat! I know, Im a big fat whiner, but it was a day from ????
I will be nicer tomorrow, or at least by Sunday.

Tootle loo,

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday wisdom

Little Town Big Life sent this to me at school. So, I will send it on to all of you that read my blog. Send me a link... I want to read what your answers are!

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate with marshmallow creme! mmmmmmm

2. Does Santa wrap your presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa sets them under
under the tree.

3. Colored or white lights? White

4. Do you hang mistletoe? no

5. When do you put up your decorations? I would spend the day making Chili, we would
put up decorations, then go to Utica Square for Lights On.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish? My mom fixed this salad with grapes, cranberries,
nuts, whipped topping, and other stuff. Love, love , love it! My mother in law also
fixes the same thing. When we were little my sister and I had to cut and seed the
the grapes!
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? Begging my dad to open 1 present on Christmas Eve.
we always knew he would, but the begging was part of Christmas.

8. When & how did you learn the truth about Santa? I cant remember, but if you dont
believe you dont get presents in our house!

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? When I was little, just the one from begging, When
raising the boys, we would go to Church, then to mother and father in law's to eat
spaghetti. We opened presents at their house that night.

10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? I usually put up 3 or 4. The boys had one each
in their bedroom, I had one in the kitchen, and one in the family room. Now, 1 in the
family room and maybe one in the living room window.

11. Snow:: Love it or Hate it? Love, love, love it. School is out and BFF-Pam and I get
bundled up, warm up the nearest vehicle with 4wh drive and set out to Target
and Starbucks!
12. Can you ice skate? No, I am an accident waiting to happen! I dont have an athletic bone
in my body!
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? My easy bake oven. I can still smell them coming out
coming out of the little oven.
14. What's the most important thing about the holidays? Family and Church.
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? My moms apple pie. Lots of apples, sugar, butter,
more butter, cinnamon, brown sugar and just a bit more butter for extra measure!

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? When we had a 'real' tree, hubs and the boys
would go down to the local HS Band Tree stand and buy a tree. I would stay at home
and make chili. They would come home with the BIGGEST tree.Hubs wold cut off the
bottom and bring it in! We would eat and decorate. The ornaments were on the bottom
and as the boys grew the ornaments got higher and higher. I was soooooooooo hard for
me not to redo the tree! Sometimes I did just a bit.

17. What is on top of your tree? An Angel that hubs picked out.

18. Which do you like best--giving or receiving? I love to find just that perfect gift that will
make someone gasp with excitement! BUT, I" love to be the gasper, too!

19. What is your favorite Christmas song? Joy To The World, but I like all of them.

20. Do you like candy canes? Not really

OK friend and family lets go for your favs.

tootle loo

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

sniffle, sniffle, sore throat

This afternoon, the sniffling began! By tonight its really here. sniffle, sniffle, sore throat. Yep,I'm sure I graded a paper with 'snot' or 'slobber' on it. Geeze !!!!
I had 4 kids with strep last week. Like I have'nt had enough Cirpro for a year!

Yep, I got some new outfits. This is my favorite. I wore it to school today with the footless tights. Hubs and I had a dinner at TU tonight. He came home before I had changed, just stood and stared at me! He wondered if I was dress for the dinner! No, I have been to 'charm school' twice. I can put on my little black dress, Tiffany's necklace and bracelet! He just about crapped in his pants thinking I was already dressed to go. hahaha I didnt laugh!This is what I wore to The dinner at TU. We donate $$'s to TU each month, so we were invited to the 'donors' dinner. I'm sure we are at the bottom of the list, but none the less we were there. The longer the night went on the more achey I was getting. Hubs wanted to go watch the TU girls play BB, me not quite so much. So, we came home. Hope they won. Anywho, I did dress in my little black wooly sweater dress and black heel boots. " Hot mama", not 'funky mama'!!!

Dinner was good, dessert even better. wine was the best ! yep 2 glasses and it time for bed.
tootle loo

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Christmas thoughts

I'm having some Christmas thoughts! Yep, I sure am. My kiddos are 23 and 25. My sisters kids are 23 and 27. So, the whole 'Santa' thing ... we have done! Now my nephew has a fiancee with 2 little ones, but you know how Santa can find anyone on Christmas Eve, cause he has that special magical ball that tell him where everyone is located and that special key to get in... you know the drill. So where was I, oh yea, This is a cabin in SE Okla. Its near Broken Bow. It has 3 bedrooms, sleep 12 full kitchen, TV, DVD etc. My niece and her cowboy live in Houston, Ryan is in Dallas, my sister is in Ozark, mom is in OKC and we are in Cville. This would be perfecto!!!

Its less than $200. per night. Take our food and have a ball! Wouldn't that be FUN!
I have only spoken with my sister, so lets see which family members actually read my blog...

Leave a comment and let me know what you think. I THINK IT WOULD BE GREAT... so there we are. Don't you?

Fishing, ATV's, rocking in the chair, walking, and in complete luxury!!!! Yep, Im sold.

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